Workshop Week: Tag 2
Kreire dein Wochenprogramm mit Silks, Ropes und vielem mehr!
Dauer : | 6 Stunden |
Alter : | Ab 16 Jahren |
Level : | Alle Levels |
Vergangene Daten:
- 10. Oktober 09:45

Workshop Week
Du willst deinen Luftakrobatik-Skills einen echten Boost geben? Oder möchtest du auch andere Disziplinen wie Jonglage oder Tanzakro intensiv trainieren und so schnelle Fortschritte machen? Nutze die Chance, mit hervorragenden Zirkusartisten:innen eine Woche lang intensiv zu arbeiten. Alle Kurse sind einzeln buchbar und frei kombinierbar.
Die Workshops werden auf Englisch abgehalten. Es gibt jemanden, der (Schweizer-) Deutsch spricht und bei Bedarf übersetzen kann, aber du musst zumindest grundlegende Englischkenntnisse haben, um dem Unterricht folgen zu können.
Möchtest du nur einzelne Module buchen, melde dich per Mail bei uns.
Workshop Week with Framing Effekt
Framing Effekt is a contemporary circus company of students graduated from ACAPA, a circus bachelor in the Netherlands. They work together mixing tools from various disciplines to create unique and innovative material.
Who can Participate:
The workshops are intended for practitioners of any circus discipline or those who have a body who can respond to the physical characteristics of the movement training (body awareness, physical condition and responsibility with the teaching-learning process).
Although the information can be better used when you already have some experiences, the level is not exclusive, the idea is to work the concepts and techniques from the base and to learn the methods we as a company use to create and develop content.
The workshop week schedule invites people from taking single lessons to experience the full immersion of one week of work with us. The practitioners can therefore organize their own schedule inside the workshop week, taking in consideration their times and desires.
The classes last 1.5h and we recommend that you arrive 15 minutes before the class to take time to warm up your body with your own needs.
Tuesday | |
09:45 – 11:15 | Full body preparation |
11:30 – 13:00 | Rope & Silks |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 – 16:00 | Aerial Research |
16:15 – 17:45 | Object manipulation |
Full body preparation:
This class is intended as a good warm up to start a day full of training. But the training also fits as general/basic daily training you can do every day to move a little. Its a work out/taking care of your body practice.
In this 90mins we will start gently with scanning the body, waking up your senses and training our body awaerness. Then we will move on to do more physical exercises to strengthen our muscles and core and finishing it off with a gentle stretching session
Aerial Technique (Rope – Silks):
The objective is to optimize the technical language through the awareness of our center, and its positioning in the space. Among the different techniques to work on, the strength of the core will be emphasized as an enhancer of the swings/beats, the correct execution of suspensions, twisting techniques and the correct positioning of the body in different supports, balances and movements.
After the technical work, we will seek to apply what we have learned in a work of „dynamically correct“ sequences (that is, the movement does not stop but flows and is a consequence of the previous one, it is not born for its own sake) within these we will also include the development of the tricks. We will work with rope and silks, we will apply conditioning.
Aerial research:
The workshop consists in combining movements and creative tools within the practice of aerial disciplines.
We will search together sequences on the apparatus and ways to go from a technical element to another one using improvisations and movement tasks to enlarge our vocabulary in the air.
Object Manipulation:
Object manipulation is the Name for all sorts of juggling. Object manipulation is a very handy tool to provoke creativity. Since you manipulate an object and not your body, you can take a higher risk because there is barely any danger of getting injured. In this course we will get to know different concepts with which you can play around. The concepts used are then easily adaptable to every other discipline. So the goal of this course is to trigger creativity and play around without any danger of getting injured.
If you are already a juggler, diabolist or any kind of object manipulator we can also work on technical skills. This class is open for all levels. If you never even touched a juggling ball even better, you will discover how much is possible without even being able to juggle!