Abgesagt – Workshop Week 05. – 09. August
with Framing Effekt
Dauer : | 5 Tage |
Alter : | Ab 16 Jahren |
Level : | Alle Levels |
Vergangene Daten:
- 05. August 11:00

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Workshop Week with Framing Effekt
The Workshop Week invites people from taking single lessons to experience the full immersion of one week of work with Framing Effekt. The practitioners can therefore organize their own schedule inside the workshop week, taking in consideration their times and desires.
The classes last between 1.5h and 2h and we recommend that you arrive 15 minutes before the class to take time to warm up your body with your own needs.
Framing Effekt is a contemporary circus company of artist graduated from ACAPA, a circus bachelor in the Netherlands. They work together mixing tools from various disciplines to create unique and innovative material.
This week is tought by: Nicolas Stocco, Shalom Gramiccioli and Marius Cavin
Timetable Workshop Week:
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
11:00 – 12:30 | Acrobatics | Dance | Acrobatics | Dance | Acrobatics |
12:30 – 15:30 | Lunchbreak | Lunchbreak | Lunchbreak | Lunchbreak | Lunchbreak |
15:30 – 17:00 | Framing Effekt Practice | Framing Effekt Practice | Flexibility | Object manipulation / conceptual thinking | Trapez & Hoop 15.30 – 17.30 |
17:30 – 19:30 | Aerial foundations | Rope & silks | Rope & silks | Trapez & Hoop | Flexibility 18:00 – 19:30 (im Spiegelsaal) |
19:30 – 20:30 | Cool down | Cool down | Cool down | Cool down | Cool down 19:30 – 20.00 Uhr (im Spiegelsaal) |
Workshop descriptions
In this course we will learn easy acrobatic skills which you can then implement in every situation. If you dance, if you want to just cross the stage, if you want to do a little floor sequence before going to your apparatus or if you just want to have fun jumping around. This class is rather technical, we will work on different skills and analyze the body movements to understand and strengthen your awareness in the air/space. All levels are welcome!
Framing Effekt practice:
The idea of this class is to get into the Framing Effekt practice which consists of working in a group with a single rope. How to support others to make them jump, slide, or even fly in the air, using the weight of the others and the rope. The approach is about using the rope as a tool to put the bodies in motion, into the space and the air. Discovering the different playful tools of interconnection.
We will also work with the idea of manipulating the rope and using it as a juggling prop. What is possible to do with a rope without climbing it?
We will approach this workshop using following tools:
- Counterbalances: Understanding the tension of the rope with the bodies and how this can bring you in a motion.
- Loops: using the rope as an object to manipulate. Creating loops that we can throw to each other.
- Chain reactions: How a single movement can affect the others around you. Staying true to the impulses you get from others and being aware of the impulses you give. It’s about listening to the people around you.
Aerial Foundation:
The class makes a panning through the foundations of the aerial technique, from the basics of how to hang biomechanically correct to the analysis of key movements in the air which are common to all aerial disciplines. The class is intended for beginners, but advanced people can profit from it as well.
Dance workshop: “Encountering bodies”
The workshop offers different playful tools inspired by different practices such as aerial rope and body/space awareness, martial arts and partnering.
At the beginning of the session we will get to know our body through the relation we have with ourselves, the others and the space around us.
Through games in pairs where we can activate our senses and the inner playful child inside us. We will explore different ways of supporting others and let go of our own support. We will go back to us, our center and our breath, finishing the session with a relaxed mind and body, energized but calm.
Aerial technics (Rope & Silks and Trapez & Hoop):
The objective is to optimize the technical language through the awareness of our center, and its positioning in the space. Among the different techniques to work on, the strength of the core will be emphasized as an enhancer of the swings/beats, the correct execution of suspensions, twisting techniques and the correct positioning of the body in different supports, balances and movements.
After the technical work, we will seek to apply what we have learned in a work of „dynamically correct“ sequences (that is, the movement does not stop but flows and is a consequence of the previous one, it is not born for its own sake) within these we will also include the development of the tricks. We will work with rope and silks, we will apply conditioning.
To have a healthy and long lasting body, we need to be not only strong but also flexible. During this class we will train our mobility to widen our ranges of motion of our joints using tools from biomecanichs and active flexibility. We will warm up and prepare our body to achieve different positions and shapes according to your own flexibility without pushing or feeling pain, but in a safe way that will also prevent yourself from injuring. Some concepts and exercises from this class will be also applied in the following aerial class.
Wednesday: Legs and hips mobility / Friday: Arms and spine mobility
Object Manipulation:
Object manipulation is the Name for all sorts of juggling. Object manipulation is a very handy tool to provoke creativity. Since you manipulate an object and not your body, you can take a higher risk because there is barely any danger of getting injured. In this course we will get to know different concepts with which you can play around. The concepts used are then easily adaptable to every other discipline. So the goal of this course is to trigger creativity and play around without any danger of getting injured. If you are already a juggler, diabolist or any kind of object manipulator we can also work on technical skills. This class is open for all levels. If you never even touched a juggling ball even better, you will discover how much is possible without even being able to juggle!
Who can Participate:
The workshops are intended for practitioners of any circus discipline or those who have a body who can respond to the physical characteristics of the movement training (body awareness, physical condition and responsibility with the teaching-learning process).
Although the information can be better used when you already have some experiences, the level is not exclusive, the idea is to work the concepts and techniques from the base and to learn the methods we as a company use to create and develop content.
The workshops will be taught in English. There is someone who can speak (Swiss) German and can translate if needed, but you need to at least understand basic English to follow the classes.
The Workshops and our practice is aiming for people 16+.
Booking information:
It is possible to attend individual lessons, single days or the whole week. Registration for single lessons via e-mail here.
1.5h lessons: 45.-
2h lessons: 60.-
Full day : 130.-
Full week: 600.-
Cool Down:
If you do a class before the cool down its 5.- for the class.
If you do a full day, the cool down is for free.