Image for Insomnio Ciclotímico 

Insomnio Ciclotímico 


Datum: 10.03.2024
Zeit: 17:00
Ort: ZQ-Bühne
Preis: Hutsammlung
Dauer : 35 Minuten
Alter : Ab 14 Jahren

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Insomnio Ciclotímico – Work-in-Progress

Insomnio Ciclotìmico is the result of the MA research realised in Accademia Dimitri in 2023, a vertex where poetry and motion can converse. How can poetry be translated into movement and what is the impact of poetry as a dramaturgical tool? A continues research that seeks to find the point where the body and the “word” become only one. 

The physical state of a room and my own being. Time has come to a standstill and memories are physical manifestations that walk around the corners almost imperceptibly. Some grey shadows walk in front of my eyes, so close, I can barely see them; although the silhouettes are almost imperceptible, the smells are clear and strong. A room full of past loves, of walking memories, of living ghosts, of smells and tastes that are like demons. A character marked by the vestiges of time who uses poetry as a transport to an uncertain present sewed from pieces. A journey through the weeds of time, the joys of other times and the dark hollows that hide under the rubble that is the present.

Collaborators: Andrea Villarreal, Raissa Aviles, Jean Fortiche, Yuham Reyes
Thanks to: Raul Vargas, Elio Staub Sämi Messerli

Note: Loud noises will be part of the showing.

Julio Yanes

Colombian circus artist, actor and dancer, born in Barranquilla and currently living in Switzerland. His artistic career has been a constant conversation and a meeting point of different artistic areas, including prose theatre, physical theatre, dance, and circus working as a performer and artistic director. His career have started when he was still 16 years old in Barranquilla, then moved to Cali, Colombia to study Circus Arts in „Escuela Nacional Circo Para Todos“ and received his diploma in 2018. In 2021 he moved to Switzerland to studied in Accademia Dimitri in the master program of Physical Theatre and graduated in 2023. Over the years he has developed a curiosity in interdisciplinary creations, making poetry the central inspiration and dramaturgical thread of his most recent creations. This theme Poetry/Motion has been the subject of his master’s research in Switzerland. A research that sought to find the creative tools and dramaturgical influences from poetry to movement and to put them into practice and into evidence. During his career as a creator and performer he has been part of different festivals and companies nationally in Colombia and internationally in countries such as Spain, France, Holland and USA (among others). 



Hutsammlung: Du bestimmst deinen Eintrittspreis! (bar oder twint)

Freie Platzwahl: bitte 10 Minuten vorher da sein.

Barbetrieb: Ausnahmsweise kein Barbetrieb.

Rollstuhlgängigkeit: Das Zirkusquartier ist rollstuhlgängig.