Image for Work-in-Progress: Sublime

Work-in-Progress: Sublime

Praise of boredom

Duration : approx. 30 minutes
Age : From 3 years

Followed by an exchange with the artist

Past dates:

  • 14. December 18:00

Work-in-Progress: Sublime

As CIA, we want to challenge one of the fundamental beliefs of Western societies, namely the focus that our society places on productivity. We constantly need to feel useful and we reject boredom. In a capitalist society, self-worth is strictly linked to the feeling of being productive and we lose sight of what is important to live a fulfilling life. Frustration, lack of motivation and the suppression of human uniqueness arise from the fear of doing nothing.
Using art, a powerful tool for social change, we want to re-evaluate the current definition of boredom. Why do we demonize boredom? Why can’t we just sit quietly with ourselves? By sharing these reflections and interacting with the audience, we want to create awareness that boredom can be a positive and even a sublime feeling.

“Boredom is the most sublime of all human emotions” – Leopardi

CIA Barro (IT)

The CIA was born in Valencia in 2023 from the meeting of three similar visions during the first year of CREAT.
Alice and Emma met at the FLIC circus school in Turin in 2021, where they decided to work together. They moved to Valencia to continue their project. In CREAT they met Alessia and founded CIA Barro.

Public information

Hat collection: The show is based on hat collection. This means that there will be a collection after the show and you decide your ticket price (cash or twint).

Free choice of seats: please arrive 10 minutes in advance.

Wheelchair accessibility: The Zirkusquartier is wheelchair accessible. You can find more information here.

Age: Please note the age information.