Image for Circ-Exchange Exchange

Circ-Exchange Exchange

A meeting of the circus scene

Moderated by Caro Wuttke and Luisa Schmitz

Date: 06.11.2024
Time: 19:00
Location: Zirkusquartier Zürich
Price: Gratis
Duration : 2 hours
Level : For professionals
Make a reservation
(43 places left)

Past dates:

Photo: Anna Egli
Circ-Exchange Exchange

The next Circ-Exchange is here! The Circ-Exchange Evening takes place on one evening during the very first Circ-Exchange Week and aims to bring together established and emerging circus artists. The aim is for up-and-coming circus and physical theater artists and established circus professionals to share their different perspectives, experiences and working methods, get to know each other and discuss important topics together.
The following questions will be the focus of the discussion round: What structures help to take the first steps in the Swiss circus scene? What do aspiring circus and physical theater artists need today? What does the circus scene need in general? What are the topics we want to discuss across generations?

The discussion will be moderated by Luisa Schmitz and Caro Wuttke. They collect shared resources, ideas and topics during the discussion and bring productive questions to the table.

Circ-Exchange is for all circus and physical theater artists who are interested in exchange and discussion, whether established or still at the very beginning of their career. Circ-Exchange is free of charge and is supported by m2act.

In the afternoon before the Circ-Exchange Evening, the Production Café with artFAQ will take place.

Caro Wuttke

Caro Wuttke is a contemporary circus artist based in Zurich. She studied at the Cirko Vertigo and Flic Scuola di Circo schools, where she specialized in the vertical rope. She is currently part of Cata Aguayo’s 2-year research training program in Barcelona. In her artistic work, Caro draws on her background in media theory, which she acquired through her Bachelor’s degree in “Literature-Art-Media”. On and off stage, Caro is interested in creating intimate spaces within the circus community and in her own practice. With Cia Bruta Bruja, Caro has been performing the contemporary circus show “Santa & Glitter. Circus and Divinity!”, which was co-produced by Sisus Sirkus and Zirkusquartier Zurich. She is also a co-founder of the aerial rope collective Less Kuerdas.

Luisa Schmitz

Born in Zurich, Luisa Schmitz works as a dancer, choreographer, coach and circus teacher. She has a bachelor’s degree in stage dance and choreography from the Fontys Hoogeschool voor de Kunsten’ in Tilburg (NL). After graduating, she choreographed several of her own works and collaborated with various companies in the dance and circus sector. In 2020, Luisa Schmitz founded the company Bill and Fred Productions together with Elysia Mc Mullen. Luisa has also toured with Zurich’s Chnopf Circus and teaches circus and movement to children and young people at Zirkusquartier.

The Circ-Exchange format is supported by: