Image for Trampoline for teenagers (11-14 years)

Trampoline for teenagers (11-14 years)

Mit Eulalie Blanc

August 19. 2024 until February 3, 2025
Monday 17:45 - 18:45
Trampoline hall
11-14 years
All levels
532.00 CHF   Normal price
380.00 CHF   Legi/Cultural Legi
Eulalie Blanc

This course is aimed at all children between the ages of 10 and 14 who enjoy trampolining and want to learn safe trampolining technique. You will learn how to orientate yourself faster and better in the air and practise various tricks such as forward and backward somersaults. The aim of the course is to have fun trampolining safely.

Clothing: Tight sportswear, socks, sports shoes. In the winter months we recommend long training clothes for before and after the course. Children with long hair should have a hair tie with them.

Eulalie Blanc

Eulalie grew up as a circus child and is now a young circus artist. She supplemented her good foundation in artistic gymnastics and trampolining with professional circus training and a J+S instructor course. In her courses, she works with a Pilates method that is based on the specific physical abilities of the participants. She has taken part in the Swiss Championships twice and finished on the podium. She has been teaching children and adults in various disciplines for four years.

General information
  • Course information: The course takes place once a week (except during school vacations and public holidays) and lasts 60 minutes.
  • Start of the course: August 19 (from the end of the 2024 school summer vacation)
  • Course duration: 19 lessons until February 3 (until the start of the 2025 sports vacations)
  • Course-free dates Monday: 2.9. (festival week at Zirkusquartier) / 9.9. (Knabenschiessen) / 7.10. 14.10.(fall vacations) / 23.12. 30.12. (Christmas vacation)
  • Entry: It is always possible to join the course during the current session if there is free space. Just book online.
  • New bookers: The first lesson from the date of booking is always a trial lesson and costs CHF 20, after which a final decision can be made on the booking. Registration or de-registration for the whole session must be confirmed by email within three days of the trial lesson. ( The course is then considered booked.
  • Trial lesson: See the point on new visitors.
  • Individual lessons cannot be booked, only the whole session from the start date. The invoice will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Discounts: LEGI & KULTURLEGI. For children’s courses, we also accept LEGI and KULTURLEGI from parents. We give a 5 franc discount per lesson on the second course booked.
  • Course confirmations will be sent on request.
Price: Lesson: Session (19 lessons):
Normal price: 28.00 CHF 532.00 CHF
Legi/cultural legi of the parents: 20.00 CHF 380.00 CHF