Image for Floor Acro Intermediate

Floor Acro Intermediate

Mit Ulla Tikka and Jérémy Henchoz

August 19. 2024 until February 4, 2025
Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
From 14 years
Intermediate level with good basic fitness
840.00 CHF   Normal price
600.00 CHF   Legi/Cultural Legi
Ulla Tikka and Jérémy Henchoz

In the Intermediate floor acrobatics course you will learn and deepen various acrobatic elements depending on your personal level.

The course content includes the following points:

  • Try out different ways of warming up, stretching/stretching
  • Flick flack, rollover, free wheel, head tilt, etc.
  • Learning a repertoire of dance acrobatic elements and how to use them playfully
  • Get to know the basic handstand technique with different ascents and positions
  • Learning to use your own body as sparingly and organically as possible

Prerequisite: You should have a solid basic fitness level and some acrobatic experience. The Handstand & Floor Acro Mix course on Tuesday at 17:30 and Wednesday at 20:30 is suitable for beginners.

Clothing: Comfortable sportswear. In the winter months we recommend long training clothes for before and after the course.

Ulla Tikka

After graduating from high school in Finland, Ulla Tikka trained as a tightrope walker in Paris and Berlin (graduating in 2000). She has performed worldwide with various contemporary circus companies (including Cirkus Cirkör and Les Colporteurs) and then increasingly satisfied her artistic urge with her own productions (including “PuuPääT”, “Installation”, “ohne Louis”, “Humala”). Parallel to her stage work, she works as a lecturer for acrobatics and tightrope walking. In recent years, she has also repeatedly taken on challenges as a choreographer and director (e.g. Circus Chnopf, Circus Monti, Fahraway). Ulla Tikka is also co-founder of the contemporary circus festival Gadjo in Winterthur.

Jérémy Henchoz

Jérémy performs as a versatile artist with a wide variety of disciplines in the shows of the Compagnie En Show. He trained at the “Circobello” circus school and the Lausanne Circus School (ECL) and specializes in partner acrobatics, floor acrobatics and fire breathing. He loves to pass on his knowledge to younger acrobats and has a Master of Arts in teaching sport, mathematics, ethics and religious culture at secondary school level. Jérémy is also a passionate violinist and graduated with honors from the Neuchâtel Conservatory.

General information
  • Course information: The course takes place once a week (except during school vacations and public holidays) and lasts 90 minutes.
  • Start of the course: August 20 (from the end of the 2024 school summer vacation)
  • Course duration: 20 lessons until February 4 (until the start of the 2025 sports vacations)
  • Course-free dates Tuesday: 3.9. (festival week at the Zirkusquartier) / 8.10. & 15.10. (fall vacation) / 24.12. & 31.12. (Christmas vacation)
  • Entry: It is always possible to join the course during the current session if there is free space. Just book online.
  • New bookers: The first lesson from the date of booking is always a trial lesson and costs CHF 20, after which a final decision can be made on the booking. Registration or de-registration for the whole session must be confirmed by email within three days of the trial lesson. ( The course is then considered booked.
  • Trial lesson: See the point on new visitors.
  • Individual lessons cannot be booked, only the whole session from the start date. The invoice will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Discounts: LEGI & KULTURLEGI. For children’s courses, we also accept LEGI and KULTURLEGI from parents. We give a 5 franc discount per lesson on the second course booked.
  • Course confirmations will be sent on request.
Price: Lesson: Session (20 lessons):
Normal price: 42.00 CHF 840.00 CHF
Legi/Kulturlegi:30.00 CHF 600.00 CHF