Contact us

Zirkusquartier is close to the “Hardplatz” stop (bus 31, 32, 33, 46, 72 and tram 8) or can be reached by various S-Bahn trains via Hardbrücke (approx. 5 min walk). There are no parking spaces on the site.


Zirkusquartier Zurich
Hohlstrasse 256
8004 Zurich

Public information

Wheelchair accessibility: the Zirkusquartier is wheelchair accessible
Bar: open 1 hour before and after the performance
Box office: opens 1 hour before the performance begins
Parking spaces: there are no parking spaces on the site


Barrier-free entrance: 20 meters next to the main entrance via the ramp
Barrier-free toilet
Obstacle-free route to the venue
Wheelchair spaces in the auditorium in the front row possible
Reception and assistance: please contact us directly in advance if required


Did you experience something in Zirkusquartier that violated your personal boundaries? Don’t keep it to yourself! Contact us or an independent advice center at any time.

Support Zirkusquartier

Zurich Zirkusquartier Association
Zürcher Kantonalbank
8010 Zurich

IBAN CH67 0070 0114 8025 8241 0
BC no. 700